Wednesday, May 29, 2013


How often have you crossed with someone and got that fake smile or that nice fake behavior?

There is no way to pretend to be who you aren´t, it might work for a while but sooner or later your soul will come out.

Nowadays there are many books teaching how to be a leader, additional to that there are also feedbacks, training, pos-graduation and plenty of other tools.

However, most of the time those things can´t change the tree´s root, it can make it look better for a while but that tree will never give a different fruit, it will always be an apple tree.

Again, we need to choose our leaders looking inside not outside, tools will help us to make that decision; however it can´t be what drives it.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I just came back from a business trip, on my way back home all I could hear were people complaining about their country, while comparing it with few others in Europe.
They forget that those countries also have their problems; everybody and everyplace have room to improve.

For instance in Sweden there was a riot at immigrant’s suburbs and they were still trying to understand what to do to fix the root cause of this cultural problem.
Of course we need to look up to see who is better in order to motivate us to get there as well, but in our pace, values and own way. 

Copying what somebody did it is not  100% effective, it can help on short term (incremental innovation) but we must also do something beyond that (radical innovation).
The human being keep thinking that the neighbour´s grass is always greener, the same think happens in all companies.  There are a lot of people trying to make this world and companies better, are you doing this or just complaining?

Look at your job today, if you are not happy with it stop looking at the negative side of it and at least once start with the positives ones. Get to work on the negatives to make it either go away or become positive, don´t wait someone to do it for you.

At the end if you still feel unhappy, maybe it is time to emigrate to somewhere else, try to find a place that fits who you are, who you want to be.  

Still blaming others for what is happening in your life? 

Thursday, May 16, 2013


There are new players in the market every day , have a great short, medium and long term strategy means to be ahead of competition.

Moreover we must have the right people on board and know very well our consumer ´s needs.

React to our competitor it is a delayed movement , the key is to be always ahead and inovate,  that way we will  be able to see the big picture. E
xploring new opportunities that will not be explored by the ones that are behind fighting with a lot of pain either to be alive or to keep current position.

When this is done with a great execution, timing is our ally not enemy.

Be sure where you want to get, and how you will get there, execute well and do not forget to be fair and honest. 

Keep your  values above everything, the best you can do it is to improve them along the way.


As a child we enjoy our life freely and learn new rules, behaviors and values , the main education come from our parents and school.

As a teenager still learning from our parents, however friends, school and midea start having more impact in our education.

As an adult we start practicing daily what we have learned , a lot of mistakes are done and few individuals learn from it and move on to be a better person , others can not see it and get stuck, kind of lost.

To me what hold us together are Family and Education (strong values) we have, I really admire the ones that overcome lack of both things and still make a difference.

At the end of this journey comes the question , What have we done and become in order to make everybody´s life better ? 

A Leader makes people´s life better, what we are is the leader we will become.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


It´s interesting to realize that we were also wrong in a subject that we thought that just the other part had to be blamed.

Now and then we think that we are either the victim or right in a certain situation,  we forget to sit down , opened up our ears and hold our mouth back a little bit.

When we do that, very often the conclusion is that both sides had its reason, and a way out of it can be found easily. Moreover, we are able to grow  as a human being, get to know ourselves better.

I believe that most people will not do something to hurt the other one (cup half full) , sometimes they just don´t know that this is happening.

Communication, that´s the key.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Being a leader is not just to take a team to the mountain peak, it is about how you will take
them to that goal.

Providing food, water, training, sharing responsibilities and assuming risks, right equipment, celebration , rewards, planning and predicting good and bad outcomes along the way.

Last but not least do not forget to do it with a lot of joy, motivation and great communication.

Develop yourself and your team throughout this journey is a must, we do need to keep 
learning and developing ourselves, that's the key. 

LEADER ( Reason to be ...)

Often we see people wanting to be a leader to prosper , get a better life , to be on control, be rich ,is it anything wrong with that?

Not really, however this must be a consequence, a truly leader wants to make 
people (employees and their family, consumers and shareholders) life better. 

He knows that his actions will make this world a better place to live. 

HIERARCHY (careful)

Trust 100% on what your direct report and research tells you it is a receipt for failure.

A leader must walk down the pyramid to see, feel, talk (privately) to employees, that way he will be able to find out whether his vision and strategy have been communicated well or not.

Moreover, he will be able to Identify problems with people management and open a straight communication channel through the company.